Both the American Water Works Association and Black & Veatch have released their 2023 industry surveys of the water market. In recent weeks both the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Black & Veatch released their industry surveys of the market. We thought it might be interesting to dig in a bit, and share Bluefield perspectives.
Bluefield’s water experts discuss the survey findings and breakdown the top water industry issues: aging water infrastructure, supply chain challenges, cybersecurity, financing capital improvements, climate change, pollution. How did these industry issues rank? Were there any surprises? and which issues moved up in rankings from last year?
Bonus Content
For those not in the know, Charlie Suse, an analyst at Bluefield, has been taking some deep dives into water management in Latin America. Most recently, he produced research on Brazil’s private water landscape- Competitive positioning and market trends. Because it is hot in his mind and about to be released, I thought it would be good to tap Charlie’s brain for a couple takeaways.
Reese Tisdale is joined by Bluefield’s Eric Bindler and Charlie Suse.
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